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- 3 Things You Need to Know About Criminal Drug Offenses
- A California DUI can be costly in time and money
- As holidays approach, San Diego-area law enforcement serious about DUIs
- Be prepared for San Diego-area sobriety checkpoints during the holidays
- Binge drinking is becoming more prevalent among older women
- Bizarre and very rare medical condition can cause a DUI Issue
- Blood tests vs. breath tests: Measuring reliability
- California considers ignition interlocks for all offenders
- California drivers may face DWI charges even the day after drinking
- California is strict about driving under influence of (even legal) drugs
- California Veterans Facing Misdemeanor Charges May Choose Treatment
- California’s marijuana DUI laws may be prone to police bias
- California’s use of ignition interlock devices
- Californians legalize recreational Marijuana
- Caught Shoplifting? Here's What You Need to Know
- Changes to DUI laws for rideshares and marijuana use
- Charged With Theft? Get a Lawyer ASAP
- Criminal evidence: Customary tests that evaluate a motorist’s sobriety
- Disadvantages of self-representation
- Drinking and Driving Crackdowns
- Drug testing checkpoints may be in California’s future
- Drunk driving conviction can cost thousands
- DUI arrest rates rank highest among major crimes
- DUI arrests in California: Understanding the financial costs
- DUI crackdowns can increase the chance of arrest
- Few people know how to clear their old marijuana convictions
- Heroin use increasing in California, experts say
- How a California record expungement can help with your job search
- How to challenge a California DUI administrative license suspension
- How to keep friends from driving drunk in California
- Identifying key DUI defense factors
- Ignition interlock devices and California DUI
- Is a marijuana breathalyzer close to being ready for use?
- Life with an ignition interlock device
- Miranda warnings not required initially on California DUI stops
- Multiple DUI offenses in California? What you should know
- New California Penal Code 1170.18 (aka Prop 47) makes many theft and drug crimes misdemeanors in California
- New DUI Law in California went into effect July 1, 2018
- New investigation questions reliability of alcohol breath tests
- Now that pot is legal, what happens to California's DUI laws?
- NTSB recommends lowering DUI threshold
- Out-of-State prior DUI may not qualify as a California prior
- Police officers do not have free reign during traffic stops
- San Diego police officer gets probation after DUI accident
- Securing insurance after a DUI in California
- So You've Been Arrested or Charged With a Crime: Here's What Not to Do
- Sorting through Fourth Amendment issues in DUI defense
- Understanding blood alcohol content levels
- Understanding field sobriety tests
- What "implied consent" means for California drivers
- What are the California Concealed Weapons laws?
- What Happens if You Are Charged with Assault?
- What to do when your driver’s license is suspended for DUI
- What you should know about arrests and arrest warrants
- Why any claims of a functioning marijuana breathalyzer are suspect
- Why California’s elimination of cash bail is so controversial
- Why hire a lawyer for a misdemeanor DUI arrest in California?
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- Theft, Shoplifting, Burglary, Fraud, Embezzlement
- Drug Crimes in Oceanside California
- DUI Attorney San Marcos California
- DUI Lawyer
- DUI Lawyer Carlsbad California
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- DUI Lawyer Oceanside California
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