A scooter driver cited for DUI in San Diego after he was involved in an accident with a vehicle whe he croseed in front of a car exiting SR 163. A sccoter with an electric motor is a “vehicle” for purposes of Driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. California Vehicle Code (CVC) section 670 defines a “”vehicle” as a “device by which any person or property may be propelled, moved, or drawn upon a highway, excepting a device moved exclusively by human power or used exclusively upon staionary rails or tracks.”
Using an electric wheelchair is excluded and is not driving a vehicle. Motorized scooters are defined in CVC 407.5 are subject to all traffic laws including DUI laws per CVC 21220 et seq. Downtown San Diego and the beach areas are seeing a huge increase in scooter use and rentals. Everyone should take notice if you operate a scooter to wear a helmet, obey all traffic laws and avoid being under the influence while operating them.
Clearly the chance of severe injury to the scootee and other pedestrians is a real danger. If you find yourself being charged with a DUI, whether involves a scooter or other vehicle, A DUI Defense attorney can help you navigate the Criminal and DMV proceedings. Call Nicholas or William Christoph at 760-941-5720 for a free consultation. Christoph Law Offices have been providing the highest level of personal and professional represntation for over 36 years across from the Vista Courts.