DUI arrests are down significantly in San Diego since ride share services of Uber and Lyft began. In a study by the Moll Law Group, DUI arrests have fallen by 32% since 2012 when Uber and Lyft began service in San Diego. There are still a significant number of DUI arrests each year, but Uber and Lyft have definitely had a beneficial impact on the number of cases.
DUI decreases have been attributed to not only ride share services, but also better enforcement and education. Clearly with the low cost and ready availability of these ride share services, people are using them and avoiding the potentially serious consequences of drinking and driving. Just saving the hassle of driving, parking, and not having to worry about getting home makes sense.
With the click of an App on your cell phone, you have door to door service and don’t even have to take out your wallet to pay. These ride share services have revolutionized Friday and Saturday night and have certainly been a major force in reducing DUI related arrests and incidents. There is no excuse to risk drinking and driving and endangering yourself and others with these services so readily and afforably available on your cell phone.
If you do find yourself arested for DUI, call Nicholas and William Christoph at Christoph Law Offices at 760-941-5720. We provide a free initial consultation and are available to help you navigate DMV and the Justice system. We have been providing the highest level of personal and professional representation for over 35 years across from Vista Courts.