An Expungement in Vista Courts is available to help clean up you record. Most misdemeanors and many felonies are able to be dismissed for most purposes after conviction provided you meet the criteria of California Penal Code (PC) 1203.4 and 1203.4a. This is a valuable remedy that should be taken advantage of by anyone if the conviction will in any way hinder their future.
Not only does the California Labor Code prevent the conviction from being used against someone for employment, hiring, firing, promotion or demotion, it also says you cannot be asked about any conviction dismissed per PC 1203.4 and PC 1203.4a. There are some exceptions like law enforcement employment etc., read the Labor Code 432.7 for complete information.
In Vista Courts, a Motion for an Expungement Dismissal is served on the District Attorney at least 15 days prior to any hearing or consideration. This gives the District Attorney a chance to respond and/or object to the expungement. With many offenses, you rate an expungement dismissal if you successfully complete probation without any violations. Even if there are probation violations, but probvation has been completed or terminated early, the Courts will often grant an expungement.
In some cases where there is some discretion by the Court, it is helpful to submit statements and documentation supporting a granting of the expungement. With both felonies and misdemeanors, probation can be requested to be terminated early if there is good reason. Many felonies may also be able to be reduced to misdemeanors and expunged so the individual does not have a felony record.
If you have any criminal conviction, even an infraction, it is worth while to contact a Criminal Defense Attorney to see about expunging your record. It can help with jobs, education, occupational licensing, security clearnces and in many other areas. Call Christoph Law Offices for a free consultation at 760-941-5720 They have been doing exclusively criminal and DUI Defense for the last 34 years, located across from Vista Courts, providing the highest level of personal and professional represntation including cleaning up criminal records.