The DUI “pink sheet” given to you after an Oceanside or any California arrest is a temporary license and Notice of Suspension. It is very important and you should read it. This “pink sheet” tells you that you have a full privilege to drive if your privilege was valid at the time of arrest, however, after 30 days from the arrest, a supension of your driving privilege will automatically take effect UNLESS you set a hearing by contacting DMV within 10 days of your arrest. It is only issued for alcohol DUI cases or refusals not Drug driving under the influence cases.
Failure to call DMV within 10 days of your arrest waives the right to have a hearing and the suspension of your California driving privilege becomes automatic at the end of 30 days even if you have an out of state license that was not confiscated. Usually the DUI Defense attorney sets and handles the hearings, often without you present. The suspension can vary depending on whether it is a first offense, a chemical test refusal, or an underage driver. First offense 21 years of age or over can result in a 4 month suspension which may be converted to a one month suspension and 5 month restriction provided certain requirements are met. Under age, refusal and second offense suspensions are one year, but there may be some options available in some cases. By setting the hearing, any valid privilege continues to be valid until after the hearing and findings are made. Just by setting the hearing, a 60 day stay of suspension is granted pending hearing results and your attorney will get case reports.
That is why it is so important to contact a DUI lawyer as soon as possible to at least have all of your options explained and discuss your case. DUI defense lawyers can handle everything from setting your DMV Hearing, getting an extension on your license pending the hearing and make your Court appearances on all misdemeanors. Call Christoph Law Offices at 760-941-5720 for a free consultation. We have been handling DUI cases for over 35 years and are located directly across from Vista Courts.