Yes, a prostitution sting operation has been underway by Escondido Police. In the last couple months, there have been a number of prostitution citations or arrests by undercover female officers posing as hookers. These undercover police offficers appear to be prostitutes and are engaged in conversation by men and arrangements made for various sex acts for money at a nearby motel. The unsuspecting “john” is then arrested for “solicitation of prostitution” (sex for money). Embarassing at the least and career or marriage ending at the worst besides the actual criminal penalties.
This is a “john” sting, it does not smoke out the women who may be engaged in prostitution, but tries to arrest the customer base and deter potential customers and others from being involved in any way with prostitutes. The crime of prostitution can be accompanied by other criminal activity, drugs etc and can change the character of an area. California Penal Code 647(b) defines the crime and penalty as a misdemeanor with potential jail time, fines and even possible drivers license suspension if a car was used. A second offense carries a mandatory minimum of 45 days jail. In some Courts it is possible to negotiate a lesser charge like simple “loud noise disturbing the peace” which certainly makes your record look better. Aids testing and a prostituion impact class are some of the things that can improve a persons negotiation position.
You should contact an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible to evaluate your case and help you achieve the best resolution possible based on the evidence and your individual factors. Entrapment is always looked at carefully. Christoph Law Offices have been handling prostitution cases for both men and women who have been charged with this offense and they have been located for over 30 years across from Vista Courts. Call Attorneys Nicholas or William Christoph at 760-941-5720 for a free consultation. We understand how important the discreet and confidential handling required of these cases.