Drug crimes in Escondido are handled usually by Escondido Police Officers and persons arrested are booked into the Vista Jail where bail is set. A person in jail must see a Judge within 3 Court days, weekends and holidays do not count. If you are arrested during business hours on Monday, you will see a Judge by Wednesday or be released. However, if arrested on thursday, you may not see a Judge until Monday. If you post bail or bond, you will be given a Court date about a week later on a felony and about a month later on a misdemeanor.
All criminal cases whether misdemeanors or felonies have the same rules for seeing a Judge, bail etc. Drug crimes are no different. Some drug charges can be treated differently than other charges depending on the type of case and the defendants background and prior record. The most serious drug charges involve sales, possession for sale, manufacturing, and cultivation. Unless these charges can be reduced through negotiations, penalties can be severe and the charges are non-reducible felonies. Aggravating factors considered in drug cases include weapons, surveillance equipment, large quantities of drugs or money and prior record. These cases can carry a significant prison commitment.
Simple possession of drugs for personal use, under the influence and paraphenalia charges may be able to be resolved with a treatmment option and minimize or avoid criminal penalties. There are alot of variables in these cases and a prior record or additional charges can be problematic. It is important to see an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible who can analyze your case and provide guidance as to how to best handle the case. Call Christoph Law Offices for a free consultation at 760-941-5720. They have been across from Vista Courts for over 30 years and have helped hundreds of clients with their drug cases.