It is a probation violation to file proof of MADD class with the Court late results in a warrant for your arrest and a violation of probation. Whether it is MADD class, Anger Managment, volunteer work, restitution or anything the Court gave you a deadline to complete AND file, it triggers a warrant for your arrest and a probation violation. This can result in a resentencing with additional penalties which could include extending probation, additonal fines, programs, jail or public work.
The sooner you file anything that is past the due date, the better off you will be. Immediately go to the Court Clerk’s Office and see if they will accept the late filing of any proof or requirement due. They will tell you whether you have to see a Judge or that there is no a problem at this time. Usually, failure to file completion certificates or complete assigned tasks will trigger a warrant for your arrest and a violation of probation. Most Courts are fairly forgiving and will simply accept it especially if it was completed timely but just not filed and there are no other violations. Also, most Courts take several days at least after a deadline to process the failure to comply and to issue a warrant. You should be fine if you are only a day or two late, but it is still a risk.
An attorney can file things for you even if they are late and then address the problem with the Court, perhaps explaining any problem that caused the late completion or filing and avoiding a probation violation and additional penalties. Call the experienced criminal defense attorneys at Christoph Law offices at 760-941-5720 for a free consultation. Attorneys Nicholas and William Christoph have handled thousands of probation violations and late filings over more than 40 years of combined experience.