A first offense DUI restricted license is available in Vista cases and throughout California. Los Angeles County requires an IID (Ignition Interlock Device) depending on the resolution. If you have a 1st offense DMV administrative per se suspension for 4 months for being over a .08 and a conviction, you need to wait for 30 days after the per se suspension starts before going to the DMV and converting the 4 month suspension to a 1 month suspension and 5 month restriction. There are different requirements if you were under 21 at the time of the offense.
The conviction also triggers a second suspension by DMV, but that suspension can be cured without waiting 30 days so long as the 30 days has have passed for the administrative DMV per se suspension. You need to be enrolled in a first offender program, have an SR-22 insurance form on file, go to the DMV…they will verify eligibility and charge $125 reissue fee for a restricted license. If you have questions, you can always call contact an experience DUI Lawyer or DMV Mandatory actions in Sacramento for more information and they will pull up your license and advise you as to your particular situation.
Call Attorneys Nicholas or William Christoph at Christoph Law Offices at 760-941-5720 for a free consultation and evaluation, we have over 40 years in combined DUI experience, handled over 3000 DUI cases and have been located directoly acorss the street from Vista Courts for over 30 years. Highest rating in legal ability and ethical standards.