DUI evidence available in Court from the District Attorney (D.A.) from any arrest, Carlsbad, Oceanside, Vista, Escondido, San Marcos or anywhere includes all the evidence the D.A. has in their possession. Police reports are officers statements about the driving, the probable cause for the initial contact, observations, field sobriety tests, field breath tests, blood draw info, interrogation answers and official breath or blood tetst and results. Attached to the reports are the criminal and DMV record for the arrestee. Depending on the arresting agency, there may also be MVARS or video and audio of the stop.
Other DUI evgidence available on request are the Dispatch log and recordings concerning the stop and arrest. There may be photos or video is some cases where appropriate. The field breath test calibration logs as well as the official breathlyzer maintenmance and calibration logs are also available. Blood tests are available for a “split” so the defense can get their own expert to type it and retest if if desired. All DUI evidence is given to the Defense including any exculpatory evidence available in the case. The evidence will only be released to the Defense attorney after the first appearance, not before. They do not release it to the defendant unless the defendant is certified to represent himself or herself.
Contact Attorneys Nicholas Christoph and William Christoph at Christoph Law Offices for a free initial consultation @ 760-941-5720. Having handled over 3000 DUIs over more than 30 years across from the Vista Courts, they can help you achieve the best result in your case.